Pecan Nut A Nuts

Product Name:Pecan Nuts

Place of Origin:South Africa

Nutrient composition of 100 grams of bitroot
Protein: 9.7 grams

Carbohydrate: 3.1 gramsCrude fat: 76 grams

Crude fiber: 5.85 grams

Vitamin C:130 mg

Vitamin B1:0.25 mg

Vitamin B2:0.27 mg

Carotene: 0.9 mg

Sulfur: 88.4 mg

P: 255.9 mg

Potassium: 388.3 mg
Calcium: 45.8 mg

Magnesium: 103 mg

Iron: 1.78 mg

Zinc: 2.77 mg

Copper: 1.23 mg

Manganese: 4.25 mg

Calories: 670 thousand calories.